

hi, everyone!

i'm back in the nyc and feeling better than ever. as i mentioned in my last blog, i spent several days away from the city for thanksgiving "break."  admitting i enjoy time away from nyc used to fill me with guilt, because of how much i adore this town. it still does, sometimes. clearly i am one for dramatics and this next statement is no exception but:
i feel like the city is such a part of me that i am not truly myself when i am not here. i love it like i love my family (truth) and i'll never leave. it's taught me everything i know about life and love and myself. i'm sorry if that made you throw up but it's true. i re-read it and it made me throw up a little but i'm going to leave it here. because i am trying this new thing called "owning it".........

anyways, i don't think one realizes how much city-life effects you until you go on hiatus. living here you are constantly in a NO state of mind.  "NO i don't have any spare change."  "NO i do not have a minute for the environment."  "Although I am all about gay rights I do not have time to chat with you in the rain on my way to work."  Always with the NOs can be very negative.  My first few years here were full of YES. But that was way too time-consuming & exhausting and plus, i find in my experiences that YESing leaves you vulnerable and more likely to be taken advantage of. It's easier and safer to have your guard up, always, while walking these city streetz.

And then there's the obvious.  How fucking fast everyone is. Not a minute to spare while rushing to get from point A to point B.  And got forbid you miss your train. You'll find yourself cursing and doing hand gestures that you don't even know the meaning of.

While away I took a nap.  In the middle of the day i napped on a couch in a full room while a loud movie was playing.  and it.... felt..... amazing. total relaxation. we spent our days in PJs lounging around watching movies.  we went to walmart and home depot like normal people. i didn't worry about whether i locked my door or if the cockroach was back in the kitchen.  the smell of pot from my neighbors or my super knocking at the door didn't wake me. the buzzer wasn't going off because my 3 roomies decided to order food. it was quiet...

just the right about of time as well.  when i leave for too long (usually 5 days is "too long") i miss my apartment and writing and performing and crafting (lol) and can't wait to come back!  it gives me a nice little reminder of what i'm here for and i always come back more focused. so i'm very grateful for that.

before i go, i saw a buck in jersey and i kept calling it a duck and it made me laugh everytime!

i love you,


giving thx

a very happy thanksgiving to the millions of you who read my blog.  i hope you all have very full tummies and very happy hearts today! i'm spending my thanksgiving at my boyfriend's family's home in new jersey.  it's the best!  as much as i adore new york city, and believe me this city is my true love, it is nice and sometimes needed to take a few days away. jay's mom made a feast for me (and everyone else), and it was hysterical spending time with amanda (jay's younger sister) and her very italian boyfriend who is here in the states for the first time.  now i'm in a food coma watching 'a very gaga thanksgiving' because i'm christi chiello.  i may or may not be sobbing.

i have many projects underway *SPOILER ALERT* but i can not reveal them all to you right now ... all i will say is, i hope you guys like RAP.

i will blog soon, really this time!



what i love.

fancy meeting you here!

hi, everyone!  how is your week going? we all made it through "hump day."  congratulations.  i'm feeling horrid about not writing yesterday. i'll try not to let another day slip through the cracks.  i know you're all waiting for my updates with baited breath..... 

i just came from walgreens. i went to buy more toilet paper and left with toiletpaper, 2 legal pads, slipper socks (whoops/ew!), a 10 dollar glass scale (hope it works), and sunscreen for an upcoming trip to the caribbean i am taking with the family i nanny for. i bought 3 bottles of neutrogena spf100. yes...there really are two zeros after that one. after this summer's melanoma madness and my current 5 month treatment on accutane, i will be best friends with that sunblock for 6 days in december! i'm going to look like madonna on the beach in a sweatsuit. i'm going to buy a big floppy sunhat to keep me "in the fashion" and i'm debating whether or not it would be in my best interest to purchase a rashguard.  did those stop being cool?  what about water shoes? i doubt my toes will get burned but those may be just what i need to complete my caribbean ensemble. watch out sweet-talking caribbean poolboys, CC's out to break some hearts!

my favorite time of year is approaching.  christ(i)mas! and i couldn't be more ready. after the carib i will be spending a week in rhode island with the rest of the chiellos. my sisters and i are trying to get "crafty" with our gifts this year. yunno... because those gifts really come from the heart.  aka we all don't have money. but i'm taking my crafting to the extreme this year and not only crafting for the family, but for my friends as well.  i just care so much!

(oooh i can't wait to write a 2011 reflection blog post and a 2012 resolutions blog post)



play it cool


don't worry guys, i nailed the church "audish." peter was super impressed with my vocal range which apparently spans two octaves! who knew? certainly not me!  i hope to get a solo soon but in a good song, not this past week's closer "ezekiel saw de wheel." really? i couldn't say "de."  i just couldn't. every time i just said "the" and whispered it quietly.  i'm very much enjoying my new friends at choir.  one of them reminds me of a male version of the gothy asian chick from glee but only he's not gothy. (so he's just asian). so far he has worn a different color sweater vest every sunday and it's only a matter of time before i tell him how much i appreciate his choices. i want to be his best friend but i have a tendency to come on too strong too soon so i'm trying to play it cool. this is me playing it cool:

me: so how long have you been in choir?
sweater vest: a little over a year now....
me: wow that's awesome, you must really like it!
sweater vest: yeah i like their style here.
me: me too, it's cool like yours, I WANT TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND!

i'm half kidding when i talk about my aspiring solo vocalist dreams at church. i say that because i realize that church isn't about that and not everything has to be a competition, christi! grrrrr.

feeling good about monday!  every sunday night i write a list of goals for the following week and tape it to my door, so i see it as i leave to start my day.  i wish i were kidding.  today i met all my goals, which is great! great start. i thought i was having an acute heart attack around 9 tonight while babysitting. on red alert i text my boyfriend and was relieved to hear that it probably wasn't a heart attack but more likely a muscle spasm. i don't have many of those (muscles) so i'm not familiar with what it feels like when one spazes.  no me likey. but i stretched it out so it's good now. close call guys!

well i've got to go moisturize. i'm almost finished with my second anne lamott book and although it's not on my "goal" list, i really hope to finish it tonight.

randy jackson forever,


sunday FUNday

hi everyone it's me again.

it will pretty much always be me so i don't really think that was necessary.  hi!!!  it's almost 2 on a sunday afternoon and i'm eating carrots in an effort in improve my vision. for the longest time it was a dream of mine to get glasses but then i woke up one morning realizing how awful it would be to go blind and let's be honest, wearing glasses is the first step towards going blind. i will continue to wear prop glasses to stay 'in the fashion.'  yes, the glasses i wear aren't real.  even if i told you they were real, they're not and i'm sorry i lied. i have been wearing optical props way before they became "cool" and were being sold at urbans around the world.  i used to pop out my grandma's lenses (she had already passed at this point so it wasn't mean) and wear her vintage frames to middle school.  BEAT THAT, HIPSTERS. rofl like any hipsters read this.  (like anyone reads this for that matter.....)

i've been bed-ridden with the nasiest of colds for days upon days and it has been waining on my creative energy to say the least.  it was a miracle that i stumbled upon this blog idea because i was really in a severe creative drought. after watching too many episodes of 'the walking dead,' i forced myself to go to the gym this afternoon. like every female 20-something in nyc i am trying to "lose a few" and it was 2 weeks ago almost to the day when for the first time, i was truly motivated to do so.  with the exception of today, it's been going really really well.  i've been schooled on exercise and feel i actually know what i am doing at the gym now which makes reaching my goals much easier. also?  what is gymming going to do without eating healthy??? hense the carrots.  i've come full circle everyone! i definitely didn't have bagel bites for dinner last night.

in a few hours i am going to be singing SOLO for the leader of my choir at church. yes that's a lot to take in, i know.  i joined an "urban" church in my hood and i just find it delightful! naturally i joined the choir (any excuse to sing) and tonight Peter wishes to meet with me and "hear me sing some selections."  you'd think i was auditioning for broadway because i have been drinking tea with lemon all day in an effort to prep my pipes.  i'm going to NAIL THIS. i hope he asks me to riff because i've been working on the heartiest Jesus riff you could ever imagine.

lamb of God,


it's 2:40am and i'm starting a BLOG

it's. ya. girl. C. C. 

welcome to 'the heart of a poptart.' in this blog i will talk about things near and dear to my heART. all sorts of things.  things i do like comedy, nannying, voices. and all the things i care about like inspirational self-help books, battlestar galactica, lady gaga, jim carrey, magical incredible inspiring new york city, chubby asian babies... yunno, that sort of thing.  although i pride myself on decent writing skills i will rarely use proper punctuation and i hope that doesn't bother anyone. 

i love to write and i do it daily.  mostly i (try) to write jokes but usually i just ramble. i'm hoping this blog will be a fun and also useful outlet for me to express myself.  

i look forward to writing soon when it's not 3 am.

i love you always,